Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Military Service – Cheating the Stationary Service

As some know, I have changed my status in the military to stationary, and now after paying the بدل there is no more duties to worry about. Or so it seems, as recently, while meeting with some people, I was told that by law a person who pays is still subject to 6 months service.... ta da... but fortunately the law is not applied. Imagine what would happen if they did apply it. Lots of angry folks, and some more who will be excited to see it happen. Those who will be excited are the ones who can't pay for whatever reason, and those who tried and failed....
And of these who tried and failed, I will speak. Since the law was changed to allow Syrian citizens to re-challenge their health exam and then enter the process of بدل, or the monetary military waiver, lots of people have tried to cheat the examination committees in various ways. Some may succeed, and some may not. And these are examples of those who didn't make it (of course this is happening with the help of some not-so-straight-forward doctors):
- One guy has faked a surgical operation of his back for "disc problems" and brought films with him. Apparently his doctor made a skin incision without any additional thing and closed the wound, on purpose of course. He was caught and was handed to investigators.
- Another, with three of his brothers, got MRIs of the same sick person and changed the names on the copies. They were figured out and also investigated with.
- The other guy had 3 siblings who are deaf-mute and was easily able to act like them and be convincing, to the point that he fooled the examiner.
- One of the most things or diagnoses I heard being misused is: cardiomyopathy (اعتلال عضلة قلبية), can you imagine all this young generation affected with such a thing??
- But the best one is this doctor who is giving "mental retardation" labels to many people. They figured this out as one of the "mentally retarded" patients is the manager of a bank!!!Are you kidding me? A bank manager gets the mental retardation stigma for evading the military service??? I think he should have gone for the cardiomyopathy one.But in retrospect, I thought to myself: why should this be an awkward thing?? Aren't many managers and people in high official posts "relatively" mentally retarded for their positions?? I think they should think it over again.
I am glad I got a real medical problem to pave my way. عقبال العايزين


At Thu Mar 09, 02:38:00 PM GMT+2, Anonymous Anonymous said...

أنا طلعت أفضل اخذتها من قصيرها و أخذت إعفاء طبي من الخدمة و ووضعت العبارة بلون أحمر على دفتر الخدمة العسكرية :) بعد تحقيق في فرع التحقيق العسكري بالشام

شوف هالمقالة

بلد العاهات

مغترب: ( كلنا شركاء ) 19/2/2006

لأول مرة تقريباً في تاريخ البشرية تجد أن الشاب يفرح بوجود عاهة في جسده.
نعم إنه يفرح!
أتعرف لماذا؟
لأنه يمكن أن يدفع بدل العسكرية.
في بلدي الحبيب وبعد سنوات طويلة من الدراسة المستميتة للحصول على تلك الكرتونة (كما يسميها أحد الدكاترة), وبعد الصراع المرير مع الدكاترة ومع الزمن المتسارع,بعد كل هذا يخرج الشاب ليجد نفسه في صراع من أجل البقاء بعد أن كان في صراع من أجل الكرتونة.
لقد حصل على الكرتونة ولكن يا إلهي!!! هناك سنوات أخرى من العذاب!
سنوات العسكرية!!!!
وفي يوم من الأيام صدر قرار دفع البدل لمن سجل على دفتر عسكريته خدمات ثابتة.
وهنا بدأ الصراع, صراع من أجل الحصول الخدمات الثابتة.
وهنا تأتي المفارقة.
كيف أحصل على خدمات ثابتة؟
يا ريت كان فيني شي عاهة تؤهلني للحصول على الخدمات الثابتة.
نيالو رفيقي, طلعلوا خدمات ثابتة لأن معو ضعف شديد بنظره.
نيالو رفيقي التاني لأن معو خلع بكتفو.
لكن شفت فلان الله يصلحو, لعمى شو حظاتو قلال, ليش؟
لأنو راح عمل عملية ليزر لعيونوا وصحح الضعف.
له له....الله يصلحو على هالعملة,,,روّح من إيدو فرصة العمر....
يلا.... نصيبو.....
يا ريتك يا أمي جبتيني معي شي عاهة.
يا ريتك يا أبي ما جبت غير ولد وحيد.
يا ريتني ما كنت سوري.............
أنا سوري آه يا نيالي.

At Sat Mar 11, 12:33:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Bassam said...

الف مبروك :)
I agree totally with that article, I personally heard of almost all what is being said in it.
The tragedy continues.
Anyway, may prediction is that in the near future, the service will be shortened further, then all people would be able to do the بدل. And then eliminate it and make it voluntary....

At Sun Mar 12, 02:24:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger GraY FoX said...

the other day we celebrated our friends broken bones with lots of metal slided under his skin :) ...
he was still under the effect of drugs when he was so happy about getting rid of military

At Tue Mar 14, 07:25:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger x said...

Lol, these are quite creative. I heard they we were going to cancel military service for Syrians living abroad for longer that x number of years.. is there any truth to that?

At Tue Mar 14, 11:00:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Bassam said...

gray-fox: congratulations on the disabilities.. شر البلية ما يضحك
Omar: I am not sure. but I think if you stay abroad for more than seventy years, and you don't have a Syrian citizenship you may get away with it, LOL

At Sat Mar 18, 06:34:00 AM GMT+2, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get married soon enough andi you'll end up with cardiomyopathy in no time i.e. اعتلال.

At Mon Aug 18, 09:01:00 PM GMT+3, Blogger Unknown said...

Anyone knows the actual step by step process of getting the military waiver (badal) done in Syria after obtaining "proof of residence" from abroad (for those expats with over 20 years of life abroad)?


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