Absolutely...... No Trash

Ok, I know the picture isn't great, but that is what you can expect from my mobile camera.
Anyway, the green sign (almost illegible) says:
يمنع منعاً باتاً إلقاء القمامة تحت طائلة المسؤولية ودفع غرامة مالية
I had the idea of taking this picture (which I will replace with a better one if I can) when I saw a girl walking gracefully across the street to throw their home trash under this sign... Too bad.
The sign literally reads in English: "It is absolutely forbidden to throw trash here, responsibles will be fined"
This is a daily scene by the way, and not a solitary incident.
Well the sign's been there for ever.. so has the trash !!
Even the trash car picks it up from this spot like nothing's wrong.
Hi Bassam,
I am writing from Munich, Germany and want to assure you, things aren't much different here. Signs are signs .. and people mostly do what they want! To find that inside the city is rather rare though but once you take a drive outside the boundaries, you can even find large technical gadgets like washers or a load of old tires dumped somewhere at the side of the road in the middle of nowhere!
BTW ... I found your blog only today ... and like it a lot!!
Haha...sad but true, I agree with Shady.
Hi, Thanks anonymous and cathrine for visiting.
It is probably true that these things happen everywhere. That is not an acceptable reason for them to happen. I can almost accept it as a fact of life, but was amused by the fact this happened this way. The problem is people do not subtley do these things. It is done "rudely" without respect to basic laws of human kind (besides the official rules) and without respect to themselves too. when you throw a peice of trash of the ground 15 feets away of a trash can, that is not acceptable. And it probably represent the way people are brought up at home. neither in Munich, nor Damascus, nor the most naiive underseved distant place in the world this should happen (in addition to zillion other things... but really, this is a personal effort, and needs no budget or big bucks)
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