Saturday, August 06, 2005


My dear friends... and foes, it gives me great pleasure to read your contribution as comments on my blog. I miss you all, very much. Keep commenting as it is a way of communicating with you. I have been a bit slow recently as I am in Safita now (you all remember my car's license plate), and connection through my laptop is often shaky. You will get some updates later, without photo I might add because as usual I left it in Damascus.
Briefly: It is the first time now I see our new house in Safita. I am very excited. Lulu, I saw your grandmother the other day and she says hi. Today we had my brother's in-laws at lunch. Coffee was served at least twenty times. I met few other relatives, which I knew before, but to my embarassment didn't recognize some. How bad is it not to know your own relative.
It looks like the last picture of me anyone saw here was with no hair, so everyone is amazed at my present look. Once I get drafted to military they should be satisfied.
I will try to email you all soon.
Love you.


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