Monday, August 01, 2005

Al-Ghassani الغساني

The first thing I wanted to check out of course was Al-Ghassani. For those who do not know it, this is the "hotspot" for young people to go and hang out together in the evenings after the sun sets beyond the horizon. I had, with others, plenty of memories there where our group of guys used to stand at "The Office" and watch, gossip, talk, and of course eat. That was a common daily theme until we left medical school. All those who frequented the place are now in USA except for me back here.

The Office seems to be occupied now by some other youngsters, although I don't remember leasing it to anyone… LOL
Furthermore, there is no one to support me in overtaking the spot. So I just stand pass by and sigh.

Some things, as always, stay the same. Others change. I know some wonder how is it like now and what is it that changed.
To start with, the kiosk (كشك) that sold cigarettes and magazines (owned by a moukhabarat), has moved 12 feet to the right. Instead of it now, there is an… ATM. There is a new sculpture in the small semicircular garden in front of it. The area is more crowded than I remember. Mainly school boys and girls; the place has lost its maturity through teenage invasion. Restaurants are plenty as usual. "La Noisette", and "French Corner" (which is not French and not located around a corner) are still there. One change is that "Why Not" has become "Bella Luna"; I am not sure what kind of restaurant is that. Shawerma "Al-Rahmeh" continues to be busy; the price is still the same but the sandwiches looked smaller. We had some shawerma yesterday for dinner both from this place and "Al-Aghar". Finally, real shawerma. This is the only domain in which I feel superior now. Food.

I wish one day all the guys would gather again in The Office and repeat history. Until then I have to wait…


At Mon Oct 10, 12:22:00 PM GMT+2, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lek Aaah ya ghasani aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


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