Laique Reunion - Summer of Surprises

This summer was full of surprises and get togethers with people I haven't seen for a while.
First my friends from USA started arriving one after the other. Four so far have showed up including: Fadi, Ayham (the Boss), Tony (my best friend), and Ayham (aka Schneider) :p
Tony surprised me at a wedding party a week ago.
In addition, at the same party I met Firas (to the right of the picture) whom I haven't seen for 14 years or so. The one in the middle, Zyad, have been out of reach except for a couple of emails few years back, after which we lost touch completely. I met him at 102 where I spend most of doing nothing time. Both of these two guys with Tony have been schoolmates.
Today we decided to have a very small reunion and met at the usual spot of Steed. Tony is not in the picture because he had to leave earlier, I could have added him digitally though.
It is very nice remembering old memories and events at school including some gossips.
The Laique should make a better effort in getting its graduates information and names online on their website that holds nothing important at all.
But anyway, I am excited to get together with all these people after years of no shows.

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