Copper Man
I apologize first of all for not posting as frequently as I wished I could. But the arrival of my bro and the start of the new job is taking most of my time.
Anyway this is a photo I took a while ago and this gentleman is practicing one of the still remaining "on the go" professions of yore in Damascus. He whitens copper pots and plates and so forth. I am not sure what this is called in English but in Arabic he is a مبيّض and I calle him "the Copper Man".
He uses the pavement as a platform and something like a muffler as a tool for letting fire to heat the pots and the substance he uses. It is not environment friendly but it is authentic and nostalgic in a way.

I know that copper is very unhealthy to cook in, as it get disslove with the acid in the food! oops I drifted away from the topic anyways I think this job is going to die out very soon. ur pic is going to be "shahed 3ala el 3aser"!
lol do you believe in the story that tells that the origin of the Twist dance is the mbayed ??
LOL. I would like to know the story behind that. To be honest with you, although it sounds silly but I googled twist and mbayed but didn't get any good hits :)
Maya and Ghalia, thanks for your warm words.
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