Friday, October 28, 2005

Why Men Can't Listen and Woman Can't Read Maps

This is the original title of a book I finished reading today. It is translated to Arabic; otherwise I couldn't finish it in 2 days. The title in Arabic is معارك قيس وليلى. And apparently is recently published.
The book is interesting, and if read some people would find that there is nothing new it that they didn't read about, or hear the other sex complain about it. It is funny and I found myself laughing silently, or openly sometimes, while reading it. And it is not describing thing out of this world, but basically tries to get to the basis of differences between men and women, and how there would never be "equality", and suggest hormone levels in the pregnant woman blood as a reason for why we are what we are. And that men and women different thinking is genetically coded in our DNA.
The book also addresses issues of sexuality and sex and blames it again on hormones during pregnancy.
Some of the main points raised are.
- Guys have more spatial orientation and reading map abilities, women don't
- They will never ask about directions, if someone is with them
- Women use all there senses extensively, and have a great side vision (like rabbits, I suppose) so they know what goes around without turning.
- They also interpret everything that happens around them differently form men
- Men like direct and simple questions (check Guys rules for examples)
- Men function serially: one task after another, seldom two at the same time
- Women function in a parallel way: they can cook, watch TV and wash the dishes and talk on the phone at the same time
- When women ask, they are not really asking an opinion, they are looking for the answer they want, or to trick men into answers they can use it to attack.
- Men have sex, while women make love
- Men, if it wasn't for Judaism and Christian faiths, are polygamous by nature
- Women can't parallel park well at all
- And so forth and so on
I think many of these points are not new. And there are many more. But it is interesting that after, or during, reading the book I started to get amused at things that otherwise would annoy me.
For example this conversation took place earlier this morning while I was reading.
Mother: "do you want me to put the winter cover on your bed"
Me: "no"
Mother: "but it is not right to leave the cover on the sofa"
Me: "then put it on"
Mother: "if you don't want that I won't put it"
Me (now beginning to smile and laugh inside): "no that's fine"
Mother: "you can uncover it at night if you want"
Me: "ok"
Same thing when my parents disagree on some opinion. Some people say that fighting (verbal of course) is good for marriage. After reading the book I say it is fate, and if there isn't any… then they are not married but rather more like roommates.

I was encouraged to write this after reading the book and reading the blog about Guys' Rules, it is a famous circulating email that is worth reading. And of course girls will have another opinion about them, they should otherwise they wouldn't be girls.


At Fri Oct 28, 08:41:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger GraY FoX said...

well how cute was the conversation between you and your mom ... it made me laught because lately i'm facing much of those conversations
anways... men from mars.. women from venus .. so deal with it ;)

At Sun Oct 30, 04:29:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger x said...

That's very interesting Basam.
The subject of our differences has driven me to start looking around at sex psychology courses at the university.

I dunno about you, but if there's really no hope and I'm lost, then I have no problem asking for directions.

You should pick up "men are from mars, women are from venus"
sort of simillar, less scientific

At Sun Oct 30, 09:55:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Cute NK2 said...

we just need a little understanding and the passion for it..yes doesnt mean yes all the time..sometimes we need a no in return..but lets face it..guys and girls will ALWAYS stay this way..picking on it it will be....


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