Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How Do you know you are growing old???

1- You have too many memories
2- You forgot most of them
3- People start calling you عمو
4- You start saying: "in my days..."
5- Hair grows on your... ears
6- When you look in the mirror, you see someone else
Here are some suggestions by others
By Fadi:
7. you compensate by poking fun at others for being young
8. you don't play fun games like 7ole Mole!
By Gray-fox:
9- you stop eating lolipops, and find something to divert you of them :P
10 - you get to be in shape, which will be a rounded shape :P
By Maher:
11-when you have more than 30 candles on your birthday cake
12- when someone calls you BABA.
13- when someone pees one you and you think it is cute..
By Me again (Beesso):
14- When you look down, you don't see your genitals
15- When you look down, you don't see your toes (getting older)

And I welcome any other suggestions.


At Fri Feb 09, 09:51:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger GraY FoX said...

9- you stop eating lolipops, and find something to divert you of them :P
10 - you get to be in shape, which will be a rounded shape :P

At Mon Feb 12, 08:36:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger Bassam said...

lol maher.
I'll post these suggestions into the original post in addition to here.
14- When you look down, you don't see your genitals
15- When you look down, you don't see your toes (getting older)

At Thu Feb 15, 08:48:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Unknown said...

16-When you are getting fat, it is a "Colon" problem.
17-When reading the morning paper is more difficult than pealing an onion.
18-When you wander round Vegetables markets just to have better deals by only 25 SP less.


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